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Field name | Value |
Reference | Cookery B/ALM |
Library/Archive | Brotherton Library, University of Leeds |
Title | Almanach des gourmands, servant de guide dans les moyens de faire excellente che?e |
Date | 1805-1810 |
Collection | Cookery Collection |
Collection Overview | The Cookery Collection contains printed and archival material relating to food and cooking that dates from the late 15th century until the present day. The Printed Books sub-collection is principally made up from two separate collections. Blanche Legat Leigh, Lady Mayoress of Leeds, made a gift in 1939 of cookery books which included not only historical works published in Britain but also a large number of foreign, particularly Italian and French, works on cookery. John F Preston made another major gift in 1962. Among many other smaller gifts and bequests is that of over 100 Chinese cookery books, presented by Frank and Margaret Leeming. This collection contains works which date from the late 15th century until the present day on a variety of subjects, including gastronomy, home economics, medicine, confectionery, recipes, menus, and vegetarianism. |
Sub-collection | Cookery Printed Books |
Place of Publication | Paris, France |
Document Type | Printed Cookbook; Domestic Cookbook |
Theme | Food Preparation; Gastronomy; Restaurant Culture and the Professional Chef |
Subjects | cooking cooking techniques recipes coffee game animal products vegetables ingredient desserts fruit |
Cuisine | French cuisine |
Description | Volumes 1-2 of 8. French. Vol. 1 has title: "Almanach des gourmands, ou Calendrier nutritif, servant de guide dans les moyens de faire excellente chère... par un vieux amateur." Vol. 7-8 have imprint: Paris, Chez J. Chaumerot, 1810-12. Written by A. B. Laurent Grimod de la Reynière and J. F. Coste. Drawings by Demant. No more published. |
Countries | France |
Places | Paris |
Language | French |
Additional Information | For detailed description see Grand-Carteret, Almanachs franc?ais, Paris, 1896, p. 367-368. |
Note | This selection of images and content is protected by copyright, and copying or sale of all or part of the images/content is not permitted, except that the images/content may be copied by you for your own research either as prints or by downloading. You are not permitted to alter any downloaded records without prior permission from the copyright owner. Permission to publish any part of the content must be obtained from the relevant copyright owners. |
Copyright and Source Archive | Material sourced from the Brotherton Library, University of Leeds |