Editorial Board
The following academics, scholars and collection specialists have provided essays, advice and feedback for Food and Drink in History. We are very grateful for their help and support:
Ken Albala
Professor of History
University of the Pacific
Martin Bruegel
Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique
Beth Forrest
Board President, The Association for the Study of Food and Society
The Culinary Institute of America
Nancy Gagliardi
New York University
Ai Hisano
Senior Lecturer at the Graduate School of Economics
Kyoto University
Roger Horowitz
Food Historian and Director of the Center for the History of Business, Technology, and Society
Hagley Museum and Library
Beat Kümin
Professor of Early Modern History and Drink Historian
University of Warwick
Adjunct Curator, Janice Bluestein Longone Culinary Archive
University of Michigan
James C. McCann
Professor of History
Boston University
Anne Murcott
Professorial Research Associate, Food Studies Centre
SOAS University of London
Fabio Parasecoli
Professor of Food Studies
New York University
Valentina Peveri
The American University of Rome
Jeffrey M. Pilcher
Professor of History and Food Studies
University of Toronto
Adele Wessell
Associate Professor in History
Southern Cross University, Australia
William Woys Weaver
Food Historian & Independent Scholar